Request money through one email and get paid fast

Error free and no hassle for your counterparty

We are the WeTransfer© of the payment.


How does it work ?

1. You create the request to pay

2. Your counterparty receives the invitation to pay by email

3. He clicks on the link in the email and checks the payment information

4. He pays directly from

5. You get notified once the payment is received


Request To Pay for Developers

Feel free to reach us and get the API documentation to access our system and generates directly tens of Request To Pay.

Contact Us is a product of EXTHAND srl.
We are happy to chat and discuss any subject related to payment and open banking. Feel free to reach us!

Thibaut Delhaye

Regulatory Corner

Exthand srl in Belgium is an agent of Digiteal SA, a certified European Payment Institution by National Bank of Belgium.